Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do you want a Love Do Over? Tips on getting back your ex Latin boyfriend

Wish you could turn back the hands of time and get your ex Latin boyfriend back? Well with just a little magic, you could have a love do over and re build your relationship stronger than ever. Latin men are sentimental and romantic and it took effort on my part to change and also help from a little guide book call the Magic of Making Up.

First if you have recently broken up, stop trying to call him or see him. Give yourself some space and time between each other. Latin men can be very dramatic and he may need some time to calm down from his emotions. You should take this time to figure out why you broke up and how you can prevent the situation in the future. There may be some serious changes that need to take place inside you. You cannot change others, but you can change yourself and once that happens everything around you is different.

Latin men love romance. Begging and pleading will only drive him away. Take baby steps to get near him again. You may want to make his favorite meal and leave it at his office for his lunch. I used this tactic to say I’m sorry for a huge fight. You ex boyfriend will not like to be pressured. This is a simple ice breaker and should get you at least a thank you phone call from him. Once you open the lines of communication you can begin to build your relationship back with your ex Latin boyfriend.

Now is not the time to show off your independence. Latin men are old fashioned, though they may not show it. They hold in high regard the traditions from those that raised them like a mother or grandmother. These women came from a strict generation that believed the woman’s place is in the home. Those values among others are still in the hearts and minds of these men and they like to know where their woman is at all times. Going out with the girls to all the hot spots will not sit well with your ex boyfriend. He may take it as a sign you want to move on right away. Instead spend this time to improve yourself with a new hobby or activity. This will give you self confidence that will show and impress him of how mature you are.

Latin men are very possessive and prone to be jealous at the slightest thing. Making yourself overly attractive with too much make up or a provocative outfit is not the way to go. He will think you were waiting to leave him to come out of your shell. Do not try to make him jealous by dating other men. This is a real deal breaker. He will feel that you are ready for a new romance and will turn away.

Remember the qualities that he fell in love with are still in you. He just needs a reminder of how great you are and how happy he was with you. Once you start talking again, take your time and treat it like a new romance. Soon you will be back with your ex Latin boyfriend only this time stronger and better than before. Get the guide that has helped so many the Magic of Making Up.

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